Thursday, January 6, 2011


Clouds have descended upon my city… upon me. I’ve been here a month now and, don’t get me wrong, I’m still excited, but the reality of my loneliness has officially set in. usually when I felt like this back home I buried myself with work: I kept occupied and made some money in the process. But work in New Zealand is still on holiday. I need to be at the SPCA more but nearly every time I go in I get stuck working reception – which I loathe. And it’s not that there’s a shortage of things to do, just a shortage of people to do things with. I’m ready for work and I’m ready for Danny to be here. I want so much for this to be our town, to find our place, to start our new life together, that it’s kind of holding me back.

Okay, done feeling sorry for myself. Now that that’s out of my system…

Met a friend of a friend who flew into Wellington on new years eve. I took him out for a few beers then on to the evening’s festivities at a dinner party. Perhaps actually eating dinner would have been a good idea, or maybe lunch even. But no. All that was in my belly was alcohol and whatever breakfast cereal was left from 12 hours earlier. Needless to say, I don’t remember exactly what happened – I know there was vomit and definitely one epic fall. I feel like I regressed at least a decade and haven’t been that humiliated ever.  Total rookie mistake. *shame*

Since then I’ve been taking it pretty easy: going on bike rides, drinkin coffee, layin on the beach, drinkin coffee, exploring more local hiking trails, and drinkin more coffee.

I had a chat with my dear lady friend yesterday who has this incredible ability to make me feel guilty and kick my ass into gear. So hopefully in the next couple of days, when the weather clears (and so does my head), I can start some intense photography projects.  Thanks for the tough love, Kelly… I needed that.


  1. Jeanne, keep your chin up! I can certainly relate to those feelings of loneliness - I remember thinking "What was I thinking moving somewhere where I don't know a soul and don't speak the language?" during my first month in Paris, India, etc. It's only normal! And at least you speak the language :) You'll hit your groove soon and will start loving life! Just be happy you're not suffering through the random snowstorms in SoCal right now!

  2. Awww So sorry you're lonely I'm thinking of you from way over keep enjoying the adventure, the intrigue, the photography, the writing...and the coffee.

